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A scammer could even pretend to be a friend or family member, sending messages with malware from a spoofed account. Be cautious about opening attachments.The link in the email may look right, but if you click it you may go to a copycat website run by a scammer. Instead, type in the web address for the organization or call them. Be suspicious if a business, government agency, or organization asks you to click on a link that then asks for your username or password or other personal data.Here are some tips to help keep your information secure:


Scammers also use phishing emails to get access to your computer or network – then they install programs like ransomware that can lock you out of important files on your computer.

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The scammers then use that information to commit fraud or identity theft. More precisely, you just experienced a phishing attempt – that is, when a scammer uses fraudulent emails or texts, or copycat websites to get you to share valuable personal information.

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The email tells you to click on a link if you did not authorize the purchase. In this version, scammers, posing as a well-known tech company, email a phony invoice showing that you’ve recently bought music or apps from them. We’ve recently heard that scammers are recycling an old phishing attempt.

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